An Incredible Javascript Event Calendar

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Start the Week on Monday

Section 2.4.5

In some countries the week begins on Sunday. In other countries the week begins on Monday.

The Scriptcalendar allows you to control which day the week begins with using the "beginMonday" flag. This property accepts a boolean value. If the value is false, the week begins with Sunday. If it is true, the week begins on Monday. The property is false by default, meaning the week begins on Sunday.

Now, if you change the beginMonday property to true, you also need to adjust the weekday names to match. As you've seen, the weekday names are set in the "longDays" property. TO make the change to start the week on Monday, use this code.

objCal.beginMonday = true;
objCal.longDays = new Array( "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" );

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