An Incredible Javascript Event Calendar

User Guide

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Scriptcalendar Files

Section 1.4.0

This section describes the various folder and files that comprise the Scriptcalendar software.

The sccomponents directory is where the various javascript files for the scriptcalendar are kept. The javascript component files are...

file required editable description
jquery-1.4.2.min.js required no Third party javascript library used for AJAX functions
overlib.js required no Third party javascript library used for creating DIV tooltips
scedit.htm optional no The HTML event editor page. This is provided to help you create and maintain events in either format.
scevent.js optional yes The script containing your custom events. You may use XML event data instead.
scevent.xml optional yes The xml data file containing the events. You may use scevent.js file instead.
scevent.xsd optional no The xml schema describing the structure of the scevent.xml
schandlr.js required yes The script containing the onMouseOver handling functions.
scrptcal.js required NO The scriptcalendar engine that renders the calendar.
scrptcal.xsl optional yes The XSLT transform file used if you choose XML data events.
scspcevt.js required yes The script containing special, recurring or holiday events.

The scimages directory is where the common graphics files for the demo and full versions of the script calendar are stored. Graphics used exclusively by a theme are stored in the theme directory. You will probably have a similiar folder on your website, and you'll probably use those images in your calendar. Therefore, you can choose to omit this entire folder. Just make sure that when placing your graphic file in an event that the virtual path is correct.

The scthemes directory is where the various theme files for the scriptcalendar are kept. The theme files are...

file required editable description
schandlr.js required yes The script containing onMouseOver and onMouseOut handling functions.
scprint.css required yes The CSS file used for printing the calendar.
scrptcal.css required yes The CSS file used for displaying the calendar layout and colors.
scrptcal.htm required yes The file od the src attribute in the IFrame. This file includes the CSS file, the javascsript components and calls the calendar.

There may also be various graphics files used by a theme stored in the theme folder.

Within the Theme folder, you'll find a "scrptcal.htm" file which is the source HTML for the IFrame. Inside the scrptcal.htm file you are able to set the various object oriented properties of the calendar. Those properites are covered in the configuration section.

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